Maybe, it´s time to review the business model !
More one for the BOD and top managers, that is urgent in need to get a better understanding :
- new business risks scenario and their priorities that will require more space in their agendas to discussing and stress the FCS (*) requirements !
- that without Governance Culture their Cybersecurity demand will take much more business risks and spend much more investments !
- that yours will need more knowledge before delegate to someone !
- must to know how many efforts must be integrated
- must to know when and how will set checkpoints to management of the business goals !
There are many ways to build a model to managemet a portfolio/program consistent for their business cases, but all of them will demand that your company must be prepared and structured to avoid loss of controls .
Board (BOD): How long do need to to instruct their Top Managers do the same !
Board (BOD): How long do you need to understand that the only way is make long term planning to adjust their organization to work in this new business environment !